Posted in Bariatric, Buddhism, Cosmetic, Pornographic, Psychiatric, Religious, Uncategorized

‘Cling = clang. Dukkha. Societial standards’ By Tazzie-Jo Marie

We must let go of the ideas of achieving a certain body & certain mental state because it leads to Dukkha (suffering),

In Buddhism we are taught about attachment to things and objects and how we should live a life without attaching ourselves to anything. we cling to things that will not stay the same, which only makes us suffer when things in our life change like weight or body emotions and emotional states.

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Posted in New Age

✍️ Divine Mind.Higher Self.Body Cues [By Tazzie Marie]

We must listen to our Divine Mind, as it is the voice of a higher power instructing us what to do in our life, rather than listening to what we think our divine mind is saying.

We are who we are and we are who we are for a reason. We are not meant to lose 20 pounds to fit in , or pump ourselves full of harmful pharmaceuticals to fake happiness.
We are meant to feel emotions, both happiness and sadness. We are meant to eat when we are hungry, regardless of if we gain weight, or not. We may think we are listening to our divine mind when striving for change, but that is not true. If we were not all meant to be different body types, and sizes and weights and look different than each other, why would the divine (Whoever you worship) make us all different. Some of us are “beautiful” while some are “ugly,” some of us are fat while some of us are thin. Some of us are emotionally sensitive while some of us tolerate a lot. We are all different. If we were all meant to be thin, beautiful and happy we would have been made that way. Getting plastic surgery to look “better,” or trying to loose those 20 pounds, changing yourself to fit in, those are the works of our earthly desires, not the feelings of our divine mind. Our divine mind knows it is fine the way we are.

According to the article entitled The Universal Mind located on the website, The Christ Mind, we are all God, we are Him/Her and He/She is us (The Universal Mind.n.d). God is not looking down upon us for we are God and He/She is inside of us, as our being. This is why we must listen to our Divine Mind, our Divine Mind is the God / Goddess inside of us.

Topics include:

  1. Divine mind
  • Bodily cues
  • Higher self

The Universal Mind. (n.d.). Retrieved April 07, 2017, from

Physics, Beauty, & the Divine Mind

Posted in Bariatric, Cosmetic, New Age, Pornographic, Psychiatric

Manifest Thoughts.Law of Attraction. Infinite Spirit. [By Tazzie Marie]

According to Beliefnet, New Thought followers believe that people stray from their true perfect self because of negative thoughts. New Thought believers feel God is all of us. While New Thought is about positive thinking and self-love, instead of only using New Thought for positive thinking we can use it to show people that pessimism and negative thinking has positivity attached to it,too.
New Thought teaches that through positive thinking we can manifest positive events for ourselves. However many New Thought beliefs are rooted in an idea that only happiness, beauty, and thinness equals health and life quality and this idea should change. Happiness and positivity may be a goal for many of us however for some it may not come as easily, nor does everyone feel comfortable with happiness and positivity.

Instead of posting quotes and goals with the vision of happiness, weight loss and attractiveness, vision finally accepting yourself or at least being content with yourself where you are right now. Surround yourself not with pictures of people who are your body type and also smart and who are making a difference in the world. A huge impact in the new thought movement is changing yourself to be “better” but why must we push trying to change who we are to achieve happiness instead of envisioning ourselves already content with who we are now. A “better” you is one that has embraced understanding not all days will be happy and you won’t love yourself all the time. A “better” you can stay strong when faced with pressure to change who you ard instead of giving in.

if everything we think manifests itself then perhaps thinking that negative thinking is bad is forcing negative thinking to be bad. if new thought teaches us we are apart of the infinite Spirit then how can anything we feel necessarily be bad. We perceive sadness, despair and uncertainty to be bad therefore making it manifest in our lives as something that is bad. Instead of allowing this negative thinking to take its toll on our life we have the power to change, change the idea that negative thinking is bad for us. We need to change our thoughts that being ugly fat and insane is a bad trait that we need to fix by being positive. We manifest ugly fat and insane equals bad by using a so it’s making it true.

Our bodies are “bad” because we think it to be true causing it to be true. If we change our mindset to think that disgusting equals okay then we’ll be come true. We may not believe someone when they tell us our body is fine, but if we believe that our body is gross and disgusting and that that is okay we might change how we see ourselves on our worst days.

Topic include:

  1. Infinite Spirit
  2. Law of attraction
  3. Manifestation


BeliefNet. What new thought practicers believe. Retrieved from